Who we are

Óbidos Hub

The Óbidos Hub is a non-profit association that believes in the vast potential of knowledge sharing as a basic process for collective growth. We want to help those who help, deliver knowledge to those who need it and thank those who support. We are a collaborative and incubation space that will enhance creativity and innovation in solving social and environmental challenges in the Óbidos region. In order to create a better understanding of the theme of social innovation and its benefits, we intend to invest in the training of stakeholders, including young people, local associations and companies in the region. The empowerment and connection of these local agents will mobilize more young people in volunteering actions, which will provide more opportunities for the development of personal and professional skills.

Furthermore, the Óbidos Hub intends to strengthen the financial autonomy and communication of local associations. Finally, to give greater expression to the social responsibility actions of companies in the community. This systemic action is essential for the development and transformation towards a community with greater social and economic cohesion.

To foster synergies of social impact in the Óbidos community.

To be recognized as a platform that connects young people, associations and companies in Óbidos to create social innovation.

  • Prosperity

    (regenerative and sustainable process)

  • Agility

    (resilience, adaptability and flexibility; no waste of energy)

  • Boldness

    (to open new possibilities)


Meet the Óbidos Hub Team

Governing Board Members

Composition of the Governing Bodies of Óbidos Hub Association for the four-year period 2021-2024

Board Of Directors

Marco Serpa


Clara Rodrigues


Rafael Nunes


General Assembly Board

Irene Ciccarino


Ana Rocha


Diana Ribeiro


Board Of Auditors

Telmo Murtinheira


Rui Vieira


Ana Inês



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